Why is my Elbow Hurting?

Hey there, we have discussed why our hand is hurting in the past so today I thought we could talk about why the heck our elbow is hurting! Elbow pain can be a real pain (pun intended), but with the right care, you can find relief and get back to doing what you love. Whether it's from overuse, sports, or repetitive movements, elbow pain is a common issue that deserves some attention.

If you're dealing with that nagging elbow discomfort, it's time to listen to what your body is telling you. The personal trainers at Live Fit would love to help, but In the meantime, here are some simple tips to ease the pain:

1. Give Your Elbow Some Rest: Take a break from activities that aggravate your elbow. This could include golf, tennis, or even gardening!

2. Ice Your Elbow: Icing can work wonders for reducing swelling and numbing the pain.

3. Stretch and Strengthen: Gentle stretches and exercises can help improve flexibility and strength which will speed up the healing process. This is where the trainers at Live Fit can help!

4. Manage the Pain: Make sure to talk with your doctor about pain management options which sometimes can include anti-inflammatory medication

Hopefully these tips help you begin your healing journey today!